From new construction to line retirements and everything in between, Groves has the expertise and equipment you need to complete any transmission powerline job.

- Concept, design, engineering, construction, energization
- 46kV to 345kV: Energized up to 161kV
- New construction projects
- Roadway relocations
- Conductor replacement
- Pole change-outs: wood, steel, concrete, and lattice tower installations
- Caisson foundations, tower grillages
- Line retirements
- Live-line maintenance
- Pole and line inspections
- Storm Restoration
- Right of way access: wood matting, track vehicles, and flotation skids
- Supply of transmission powerline materials
- Helicopter work for difficult access, tower installation/removal, and line pulls
- and more!
Department Contact: Jared Ashby

(270) 339-7504
Jared has been with Groves for 15 years and is the Superintendent for the Transmission Powerline Department. He coaches one of the two t-ball teams that Groves sponsors. It’s a fierce rivalry. His favorite part of working at Groves is that people who work hard have opportunities for advancement. That’s his story and it can happen for anyone working here.
Contact Jared to start the process of working with Groves’ Transmission Powerline Department.